2015-16 畢業典禮
本年度畢業禮已於5月27日圓滿結束。邀請到本校校友KING’S香港藝術體操芭蕾舞學院校長吳頌蘭小姐蒞臨作主禮嘉賓訓勉及頒獎 ‚由本校校友葵盛浸信會岑世顯牧師為畢業生證道及祝福。伯特利中學法團校董會盧明校監致歡迎詞及致送紀念品 ‚陳志忠校董祈禱及授憑 ‚曾永耀校董讀經及授憑‚何麗萍校董授憑‚本校家長教師會前主席張慧敏女士和李彩玲女士 及 本屆家長教師會幹事Ms. Pun Rupa Kumari頒獎。本校歌詠團、尼泊爾舞蹈組、非洲鼓隊及本屆中六畢業生(6A Pun Bishal、6B黃樂駿及6C張文康)為嘉賓獻唱及表演。
- The Moral, Civic and National Education Group participated in the activities of Community Youth Club and won the Active Participation Award
- Public Relations Group and Moral Education Group: Our students volunteer in primary school to promote Chinese culture and serve the community.
- Conservation of Firefly
- The Citizenship and Social Development Department participated in the ‘Reform and Opening’ Report Competition organised by the Education Bureau and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Three S6 students participated in the competition and submitted their
- Public Relations Group and Moral Education Group: Our students volunteer in primary school to serve the community.