

感謝天父,在10月21日至25日的福音週,所有活動能順利完成,為此感恩!整週的活動包括大合唱、福音短片分享、攤位遊戲、福音茶座、詩歌點唱、祈禱會、佈道會及感恩讚美音樂會等,除有基督徒老師及學生協助外,更有多位宣道會錦繡堂的傳道同工及弟兄姊妹參與分享 神的訊息及生命,希望學生能更認識信仰,求天父保守,將榮耀歸於我們的天父。


We would like to give thanks to our Heavenly father that the Evangelistic Week was successfully held from 21 Oct 2019 to 25 Oct 2019. There were various activities held during the week including choral singing, video sharing, game stalls, Gospel Cafe, song dedication, prayer meeting, evangelistic meeting, thanksgiving worship, etc. We would like to express our gratitude to Fairview Park Alliance Church for their support and sharing. May God bless our students and we hope they can gain a greater conviction to study the Word of God. May all the glory be to God!

地址 : 新界元朗錦繡花園F段四街十一號
電話 : 24712622
電話 : 24715171