The Education Bureau “Mainland Exchange Programme for Secondary School Students”



2nd to 6th July, 2019

Learning Objectives:

To learn:

  1. the history, culture and traditional architecture of Hubei Province;
  2. the construction process and benefits of the Three Gorges Project and its impact on society, the economy and the environment;
  3. the current and future industrial development of Hubei Province.


Secondary 3 and 4 students (Quota: 40 students)

Accompanying teachers:

Ms Ching Sin Man, Ms Kwan Hoi Suen, Mr Tang Kam Fai, Mr On Ka Chi











The reflection from the students:

  3A 陳齊





  4A 劉雪櫻


  楚河漢街是以古式的形式作為名稱吸引遊客而街道內的商鋪也大多現代化雖然夾雜著古式的建築但是商品大多不復以往  而店內也便利了許多即使不帶錢包也可以用網路虛擬貨幣付款  去了屈原祠被門口的牌匾給吸引,光爭日月我理解為屈原的光輝能與日月相媲美。裡面記載了很多有關屈原的事蹟、甚至連族譜都被放映出來告知眾人,戰國時期、一個爾虞我詐勾心鬥角烽火連天的時代屈原因不願與淤泥同流合污及被皇帝不看好而先後三次被貶。被貶到哪個地方時他都會為百姓做許多貢獻、自此芳名得以深入民心。


  在旅途的過程中有很多與同學接觸 更加加深對他們的瞭解  享受到很多樂趣 與同學互相幫助 感覺友誼又從此促進了一步 就這樣我們班更加像一個大家庭!也感謝我們的“家長”及導遊的悉心照顧!


Jessica 4B

  (DAY 4) We visited the Three Gorges rivers, The place is so pretty that we were very cultivated. We took a lot of pictures as the view was nice. There was a dam that provided electricity to the country, developed the tourism and balancing the river systems. The view was very pretty and we were very happy because we ate many street foods and bought Minion bottles.!!!


Sajani 3B

  First of all, I want to thank you the school who provided trip to China for us. And secondly, I want to thank to the teachers who gave me the information about the China trip. And, I want to thank my friends who helped me to have their group. I was so excited. And I was amazed because eof the beautiful scenery. The 5-days trip was so long but it was fun. I didn’t expect this much about delicious food, luxurious hotel, beautiful places and so on.

Address : No.11, 4th Street, Section F, Fairview Park, Yuen Long, N.T.
Telephone : 24712622
Fax : 24715171