

為兼重學生實踐學習,十多位中五生物科同學於16 / 10  至 18/ 10 / 2019 參加新高中生物科住宿野外考察課程,於長洲自然生境中研究岩岸的生態環境以及進行生物科技研究,獲益良多,同學認真和投入,對學習充滿熱誠。


The Secondary 5 Biology students from our school took part in the NSS Biology Residential Field Studies Camp from 16/10 to 18/10/2019. In this course, students studied the rocky shore habitat and conducted biotechnology research in Cheung Chau natural habitat and Caritas Chan Chun Ha Field Studies Centre. Our students showed their enthusiasm for learning and they benefited a lot from the camp.



地址 : 新界元朗錦繡花園F段四街十一號
電話 : 24712622
傳真 : 24715171